Online Communities
AAMT manages an email discussion list for the mathematics education community.
This list has been in operation for more than 20 years. It has nearly 700 subscribers and typically more than 100 posts per month.
It is a great online board for mathematics teachers and academics. Members share information about teaching practices, research, resources, mathematical puzzles, tips on teaching concepts and other topical matters in education.
Participation is public. AAMT asks that list members make contributions in a respectful and professional way. AAMT may block the access of any user who posts inappropriate content. Please see the guidelines below.
Anyone can join by subscribing to the list with an email address. Posts are delivered to subscribers’ email inboxes. To view all the topic groups and past posts, users need to sign up for a Google account, which can be used to join the list group and view the history.
The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT) Inc. provides online communities to be used by its members and others in the wider mathematics education community. These online communities align with the Association’s aims:
- supporting the work of mathematics teachers;
- promoting the learning of mathematics;
- representing and collaborating with stakeholders in mathematics education.
AAMT intends that these communities should be supportive learning environments. Users are encouraged to ask questions, engage in debate, share links and resources, offer opinions and suggestions, contribute experience and expertise and share knowledge.
It is expected that all users will use language that is professional and respectful of other users.
The communities are not used for commercial purposes.
While AAMT does monitor the content of posts to the community list, it does not generally intervene.
However, users who do not engage in the list discussions in an appropriate manner, for example posting inappropriate content, using disrespectful language, making derogatory or defamatory remarks, sharing materials that breach copyright or soliciting commercial gain, may be barred from participating in the AAMT public forums.
As the community list is open to the public, AAMT does not endorse or take responsibility for the content (or related or linked content) of any contributions made by users to this community. The opinions expressed by individuals within this facility are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the AAMT.
Users acknowledge that anything they contribute to these online communities are given freely with no expectation of reward or return (financial or otherwise); may be used, shared and adapted by others; and will not constitute a breach of any copyright.
As the comments and materials shared in the list are public, users should ensure that contributions are made with due consideration to privacy. For example, students or minors should not be named in any discussion of classroom experience.
Users of this facility do so at their own risk. AAMT does not take responsibility for any consequences of participating in the online environment. This includes the spread of software viruses or other malicious technical content, as well as following advice received from other users in the course of participating in the AAMT list.
AAMT will never divulge the names of list subscribers.
AAMT may revise these guidelines at any time.