PISA 2022 Mathematical Framework
26 October 2020
The OECD PISA 2022 Mathematics Framework highlights the importance of mathematical literacy as ‘an individual’s capacity to reason mathematically and to formulate, employ and interpret mathematics to solve problems in a variety of real-world contexts’. Mathematical literacy underpins out ability to make reasoned and reflective judgements in all aspects of our lives.
The PISA 2022 tests recognise the impact of technology on mathematical reasoning. There is an expectation that students understand computational thinking and can apply mathematical reasoning in technological contexts. There is an improved computer-based assessment available to participating schools.
Here is a summary of the key elements of the Mathematics Framework
The structure of mathematical reasoning:
- Quantity, number systems and algebra
- Abstraction and symbolic representation
- Mathematical structures
- Functional relationships
- Mathematical modelling
- Statistics and variation
In the PISA assessment content knowledge is divided into the following categories:
- Change and relationships
- Space and shape
- Quantity
- Uncertainty and data
Within these categories, OECD has highlighted four topics that will be prioritised in PISA 2022. These include growth phenomena, geometric approximation, computer simulations and conditional decision-making.
There is also explicit mention of the contexts in which mathematical literacy is used. These are stated as personal, occupational, societal and scientific.
Finally, the OECD has sponsored a research project on The Future of Education and Skills: Education 2030. This project connects to the mathematical skills that are assessed in PISA 2022.