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Conference 2019 handouts and presentation slides

 Presenter  Title  Link
 Michael Paech  The mathematics of weather and thunderstorms  here
 Bruce Warrington  The language of measurement (National Measurement Institute)  here
 Yoni Nazarathy  Demystifying Artificial Intelligence for the maths teacher  here
 Dave Tout  Why are numeracy and mathematics crucial foundation skills for a global future?  here
 Alan Finkel  Renewing the symbols, restoring the continuum  here
 Chris Downing  The equations I still use after 40 years in aerospace, automotive and bio-energy engineering  here
 Peter Corke  Maths in the context of AI, automation and the future of work  here
 Damian Nicholson  Financial Basics Foundation  here
 Gregory Hine  Proof by contradiction: Professional practice for secondary teachers  here
 Lee Boyd  STEM in Stage 4: Integrating science, mathematics and technology mandatory  here
 Anita Ponsaing & Jacqui Lee  MathsCraft: Maths isn’t just about getting the right answer!  here
 Jim Green  Using asymptotes in curve sketching  here
 Libby Foley  Indigenous learners of mathematics: Reflections from teaching at the top of Australia  here
 Rodney Anderson  Lifting me up and up  here
 Cassie Portelli  What’s inspiring our teachers, and why?  here
 Harry Kanasa  Jumping frogs: A mathematical inquiry  here
 Sue Garner  SAC then CAS? Or CAS then SAC?  here
 Anita Green  Using challenging tasks to engage students in mathematics  here
 Tierney Kennedy  Intervention using challenging tasks and conceptual change questioning  here
 Renee Hoareau  Cyber Teacher – Lifejourney  here
 Ian Francis Hailes  I’m a mathematics teacher, of course I have problems! Can I share three of them with you?  here
 Ellen Corovic & Danijela Draskovic  Maths Camp  here
 Adam Juang  Constructing mathematical knowledge through coding activities  here
 Brad Gaylard  Scaffolding mathmatical reasoning: From junior secondary to beyond the classroom  here
 Richard Wilson  The maths person myth  here
 Jen Bowden & Ellen Corovic  Embedding analytical and mathematical thinking in the early years  here
 Jen Bowden  Maths300 connections: Primary school, secondary school, teachers and the workplace  here
 Narelle Moris  What can we learn from Singapore about teaching maths?  here
 Vesife Hatisaru  Perspectives of school principals on STEM learning environments  here
 Rose Wood  Advancing STEM in Queensland state primary school  here
 Pauline Carter  Thinking Maths  here
 Barry Kissane  Learning about and using logarithms with a graphicscalculator  here
 Trevor Redmond, Barry Kissane & Michael O’Connor  How the international Mathematical modelling Challenge can help your school  here
 Tanya Vaughan  Putting evidence to work: a school’s guide to implementation  here
 Leah O’Niel  How can I use play to plan engaging lessons that teach early maths concepts  here
 Christine Mae & Andrea de Carvalho  Mathematical Expertise and Excellence  here
 John McGowan  Equatlo  here
 Life Journey  Why maths in cybersecurity  here