AAMT affiliated associations and membership
AAMT has a federated structured with our affiliated associations in each state and territory.
While AAMT affiliated associations are separate organisations with their own name and legal status, the AAMT constitution establishes a formal connection between AAMT and each affiliated association. For example, the AAMT governing Council is made up of representatives from each association.
All institutions and individuals that join their local state or territory affiliated association are automatically conferred membership of AAMT. Whereas the affiliated associations support mathematics learners and educators in their jurisdiction, AAMT provides a national voice for mathematics education.
Teachers and schools wishing to become members of AAMT should join their local state or territory affiliated associations.
Members gain the following benefits:
- Participation in a network of local and national mathematics educators
- Each affiliated association organises conferences, professional learning events, resources, publications, consultancy and teaching advice that is available to members preferentially and at discount rates
- AAMT journals and other publications, national programs, exchange visits and the national conference are available to members at discount rates
- From time to time, third party products and subscriptions are available to AAMT members at preferential rates
- AAMT is a national voice for maths education; all members are welcome to get involved and help raise the profile of maths teaching in Australia
AAMT is actively involved in representing maths teachers nationally, for example by:
- soliciting support and funding from government
- responding to government inquiries and reviews
- participating in research projects
- collaborating with other relevant education organisations
- communicating topical information.
Increasingly, AAMT is engaging with employers and community groups who are interested in supporting maths education. For example, employers may allow their mathematicians to contribute to professional learning and maths education. AAMT relies on the support from members to carry out its work. We encourage all schools, maths educators and other interested parties to join their State or Territory affiliated association and the AAMT community to gain professional benefits and ensure maths education has a national voice.
For information about each of the AAMT affiliated associations, see below.

Canberra Mathematical Association
The CMA was set up in 1963. It is a small volunteer based organisation that supports mathematics teaching, through professional events, networking and dissemination of information, in the Canberra region.
a: CMA, PO Box 3572, Weston , ACT 2611
e: canberramaths@gmail.com
w: www.canberramaths.org.au

Mathematical Association of New South Wales
The Mathematical Association of New South Wales (MANSW) is a professional association of mathematics educators that is dedicated to improving the quality of mathematics education and learning throughout New South Wales. The association celebrated its centenary in 2010.
MANSW has a team of six staff led by its Executive Officer Darius Samojlowicz
a: MANSW, PO Box, 94, Auburn, NSW, 1835
e: admin@mansw.nsw.edu.au
p: (02) 9715 5800
w: www.mansw.nsw.edu.au

Mathematical Association of South Australia
The Mathematical Association of South Australia (MASA) supports mathematics education in South Australia from primary to senior level. MASA organises a range of resources, activities for students and professional learning for teachers in South Australia. MASA has a small number of staff including the primary contact Jackie Carletti.
a: MASA, Building D, 80 Payneham Road, Stepney SA 5069
e: admin@masanet.com.au
p: (08) 8362 4332
w: www.masaonline.org.au
Mathematical Association of Tasmania
The Mathematical Association of Tasmania (MAT) was founded in 1961 and is a non-profit, volunteer-run organisation supporting Tasmanian Mathematics teachers and students from Kindergarten to Year 12. MAT aims to link teachers through association activities, our annual conference, and regular communication. We also provide opportunities for students to participate in mathematical events, such as our annual Relay.
a: MAT, PO Box 5096, UTAS LPO, TAS 7005
e: mathassoc@gmail.com
w: https://mat.aamt.edu.au/

Mathematical Association of Victoria
The Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) is an innovative and leading association. Through its programs and services, MAV promotes the importance of mathematics to society. Our Association has over 1400 members from all sectors of education including individuals, schools, universities and other institutions. This provides membership benefits to a growing network of over 15,000 mathematics educators. MAV reaches up to 17000 people through its newsletter and has been an active not-for-profit professional Association for more than 100 years.
MAV has a team of nine staff led by Chief Executive Officer Peter Saffin.
a: MAV, 61 Blyth Street, Brunswick VIC 3056
e: office@mav.vic.edu.au
t: (03) 9380 2399
w: www.mav.vic.edu.au

Mathematical Association of Western Australia
The Mathematical Association of Western Australia (MAWA) is a not-for-profit organisation whose goal is to improve mathematics education across the state. Originating as a teacher professional association in 1958, MAWA has grown into a vibrant organisation that provides support for anyone with an interest in mathematics including teachers, parents and students.
MAWA has a small team of staff led by the Executive Officer Paula McMahon
a: MAWA, PO Box 440, Mirrabooka WA 6941
e: office@mawainc.org.au
p: (08) 9345 0388
w: www.mawainc.org.au

Mathematics Teachers Association of the Northern Territory
The Mathematics Teachers Association of the Northern Territory (MTANT) supports and promotes the work of maths teachers throughout the Territory. MTANT offers professional development opportunities for teachers and engaging mathematics activities for students. MTANT recognises and celebrates the successes of maths teachers and students in the Northern Territory and providers a voice on local and national mathematical issues. MTANT is run by volunteer maths educators.
a: MTANT, PO Box 40202, Casuarina NT 0811
e: contact.mtant@gmail.com
p: 0418 624 631
w: mtant.weebly.com

Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers
The Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers (QAMT) was established in 1966. It was formerly Queensland branch of the Royal Mathematical Society of London 1922-1965.
Members of QAMT are drawn from all levels of schooling – pre-school to tertiary – and from all systems – State, Catholic, Independent, Universities and TAFE. There are also a number of members from interstate and overseas.
Through its professional development activities, professional journals and newsletters, problems and competitions for students, QAMT members keep up to date with issues of mathematics teaching, and gain support for developing their students’ love of mathematics.
The contact for QAMT is Gaynor Johnson.
a: QAMT, C/- School of Education, University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4072
e: qamt@qamt.qld.edu.au
t: (07) 3365 6505
w: www.qamt.qld.edu.au