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Contact your State/Territory association

Members of the following associations are members of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers:

61 Blyth Street BRUNSWICK VIC 3056

Phone: 03 9380 2399
Fax: 03 9380 8323
Email: office@mav.vic.edu.au

PO Box 440, Mirrabooka WA 6941
Street address: 12 Cobbler Place, Mirrabooka WA 6061

Phone: 08 9345 0388
Fax: 08 9345 0488
Email: office@mawainc.org.au

C/- School of Education
University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4072

Phone/Fax: 07 3365 6505
Email: qamt@qamt.qld.edu.au